What is the difference between over subscription and under subscription of shares?

When number of shares subscribed is greater than number of shares issued, it is said as Over Subscription of shares.

When number of shares subscribed is lesser than number of shares issued, it is said as Under Subscription of shares.

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when share application recivied more than issued of share application ,it known as over subscription of share. 

when share application recivied less than or equal to the issued of share application ,it known as under subscription of share.

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Over Subscription

When number of application received is more than the numbers of shares invited. It is Over Subsciption

For Example:-  IXcom Ltd issued application for 10000 equity shares. it received application for 100000 equity shares. It is called Over Subscription

Under Subscription

When number of application received is less than the numbers of shares invited. It is Under Subsciption

For Example:-  IXcom Ltd issued application for 100000 equity shares. it received application for 10000 equity shares. It is called Under Subscription


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over subcription means shares being subscribed mre in numbr than that was been offered n undersubscription mean the less number of shares been applied by the public than that it was issued

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Let say a company has issued 50000 shares for public and the public applied for more than 50000 shares this is oversubscription of shares & if public applied for less than 50000 shares then it is under subscription

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is number of share aplied by public is larger than issued share.than it is over subscription.......while when public shubscribe less share than issued.it is undersubscribed. :)

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over subscription means  the when the issued share is less than applied shares

under subscription means when the issued share is more than applied shares

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OVER SUBSCRIPTION: when the.issued price is.more than tha applied shares and UNDER SUBSCRIPTION: when the.issue.price is.more. than the applied shares
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All application are not accepted. Some are rejected .
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If any company recives less app. From issued share or the recived app. Is less then 90% then a/c to company law 2013 a company have not permit to issue the shares..
If any company recives more appliacation from issue app. Than company have to refund money or issue share on pro rata basis.. this situation is know as oversubscrption..
Hope u understand
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Bank rate usually deals with bank loans where as repo rate deals with the securities. The bank rate is charged to commercial banks against the loans whereas repo rate is charged for repurchasing of securities.
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Over subscription means the public (aplicant) was apply extra by issue number
Under subscription mean the apllicant was applied minimum 90%
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the difference between oversubscription and under subscription of shares is stated in four different points which include share applied ,acceptance,refund and minimum subscription

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think already in bed applicable in Cathedral City
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Over subscription means subscription which is paid or lay out before the coming of time interval and under subscription is vice- versa of it over subscription is an prepaid and under subscription is accrued
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All questions answered please

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Hi.. Dear
Over subscription means subscribed shares are more than issued shares.
Under subscription means when subscribed shares are less than issued shares.
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Undersu scription means when the application received is less than the issue of shares....and over subscription is when application receives is more than the issue of shares
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Over subscription means that the public applied shares morethan the allotment and under subscription means the the public applied less than the alloted shares
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Over suscription means when we received excess of share application where as under subscription refers when we receive less share application as compared to issue share
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Oversubscription refers to when the application received for more than invited or issued shares.
Undersubscription refers to when application received less than the invited shares a company can issue shares only if it received minimum subscription i.e 90 percent of invited shares
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Account for non profit organization
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Dear student
A company offers?shares?to the public inviting applications for their subscription. When the number of shares applied for by the public is less than the number of shares issued by the company, it is a situation of under-subscription.

When the number of shares applied by the public is more than issued share by the company it's called over- subscription .
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Over subscription . is received more applications from issue by a company and under subscription received less application
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When number of shares subscribed is greater than number of shares issued, it is said as Over Subscription of shares.

When number of shares subscribed is?lesser than number of shares issued, it is said as Under Subscription of shares.
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Basis Oversubscription of shares Undersubscription of shares

Shares applied
No. of shares applied is more than the shares offered for subscription. Number of shares applied is less than the shares offered for subscription.

All applications are not accepted. Some are rejected. Alternatively, shares are allotted on pro rata basis. All application for shares is accepted and allotment is made to all applicants.

Excess application money is refunded or adjusted towards allotments and calls. As all applications are accepted, there is no excess application money to be refunded.
Minimum subscription They don’t face such a problem. The company may face the minimum subscription problem.
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?Oversubscription of shares mean when shares are oversubscribed.
~Eg=company issued 10000 shares to public But the public applied for 15000 shares.
So here 5000 shares is oversubscribed and its a case of oversubscription...

?Undersubscription means when share are undersubscribed that is less applied for than issued by the comapny.
~Eg=A company issued for 10000 shares to public but Public applied for 8000 shares.
It's a case of undersubscription.
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A limited company invites application for 50,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each, at a maximum discount by the

Company's Act, payable on the following basis:

a) To applicants for 35,000 shares in full

b) To applicants for 20,000 shares- 15,000 shares Excess money paid on application was utilized towards allotment money.

A shareholder who was allotted 1.500 shares out of the group applying for 20,000 shares failed to pay

allotment money and money due on calls, these shares were forfeited 1,000 forfeited shares were reissued

as fully paid on receipt of Rs.8 per share. Show the journal entries in the books of the company.
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