What is the difference between Pegging and Parity value of currency????

What is the difference between Pegging and Parity value of currency???? be Ot on Imports ot domestic currency means a rise •n the of currency rupee' foreign (say. Sy Now, orw• rupex• be S. mth oi monev, more can bc purchased Icom USA. It leads increase In imports I SA as American will become relatnely cheaper ES OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES three main type3 0' ochange rate svsterns are: Fi«d Exchange Rate System (or pegged E«change Rate System). 2. Eschange Rate System (or Floating Eschange Rate System). 3 . Floating Ratc System. ed Exchange Rate System exchange ratc system refers to a system in which exchange rate for a aarrenry is fixed by The Of adopting this system is 'o ensure stability in • TO Rhieve stability. government undertakes to buy foreign currencv when the exchange rate Weaker and foreign currency when rate Oi exchange gets stronger • for thus. government has to maintain large currencies to maintain the exchange rote at the level it. • Undef thus system. each country keeps value oi its currency fi«d in terms of some • Tluseyternalstandardcanbegold, silver, other precious metal. another country'scurrency even some internationally agreed unit account • When value ot is t.ed to the value oi another currency, it is known as • value o i a currency is fixed tn te rms of some other currency or i t i' known as •Pa=raly$ of currency, ot Fixed Escharge Rate System earet times. exchange rates ot all major countnes were fixed according to tho Gold Standald ( 1870-191 a' and the Bretton Woods Standard 1044•1971). to Gold Standard, eaterna' values cur-rexes "ere manta-ed by the. Wrns cf CeÅtJåi sank ot each country was ready to buy and 8011 quantities ot a' a fixed n terms o' Its own currency For example. El 5 gm 01 gold and Sl 2 gm then eacnange rate be E 1 = S25 Accc.d•ng to Bret!qrp Weeds Stoodprg, gold was replaced tw uS donar as the •core' ot system a" retated to US do.Var at a 'ic•derchango system gavo txrth to Internationa Monetary Fund (IMF) as the central nstitu!jon In the monetary system

Dear student, 

The two terms and the difference between them can be explained as follows:

Parity Value : A  fixed exchange rate system  maintains a constant exchange rates between currencies. This is referred as official parity value of the currency. It is fixed by monetary authority of country in term of  gold. 
  Pegged exchange rate : A pegged exchange rate system is a  mixture of fixed and floating exchange rate regimes . Every monetary authorities of country has to determined exchange rate in USA dollar and Dollar was assigned in gold value at fixed price.

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