What is the difference between Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia on the bases of their skeletons?

Pisces skeleton:
The skeleton of fishes is either made up of bones or cartilage. The fins in fishes are not connected to spine.
Amphibian skeleton:
Amphibians have an inner skeleton with a backbone. They have webbed feet but no claws. Their limbs are attached at the shoulder and hips.
Reptilian and mammalian skeleton:
The skeleton of reptiles differs from mammals in several ways. First reptiles have several numbers of bones in the lower jaw whereas mammals have a single lower jawbone. Second, reptiles have only one bone in each other and mammals have three small bones in each ear. In addition, reptiles have one occipital condyle that allows movement of the head in reptilians whereas in mammals and amphibians there are two occipital condyles.
Avian skeleton:
Bird’s skeleton system is adapted for flying. They have the minimum number of bones as compared to any other terrestrial vertebrate. Their bones are fused into single ossifications. Birds lack teeth or jaw like other vertebrates and have instead evolved a beak. Birds also have characteristic hollow bones.

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PIsces = 1) it includes all fishes.

2) scaled body

3) breathe through lungs

4) have 2 chambered heart.

Amphibia = 1) are animals which can live on both land on water.

2) they are warm blodded animals.

3) breathe through lungs gills.

Reptilia = 1) they have scaled body.

2) but, crocodile is an exception.

3) warm blooded animals.

Aves = 1) includes all birds.

2) have wings

3) no teeth in beak.

4) breathe through lungs

Mammalia= 1) includes those who gives birth to young ones.

2) 4 chambered heart

3) breathe through lungs

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PISCES : exosceleton of scales

Endosceleton of bones/cartilage

AMPHIBIA : Exoseleton -

Endosceleton of cartilageous bones

REPTILIA : Exosceleton of hard scales

AVES : Exosceleton of feathers

Endosceleton of pneumatic bones

MAMMALIA : Exosceleton ofhair

Endosceleton of Bones

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