what is the difference between polar and axial vector please explain with example

Dear student,
Polar vector term comes from the polar coordinate system. In polar coordinate system, in two dimensions, to locate position of an object, for example, one set a pole and an axis from this pole.Now, from this pole a radius vector is drawn to the object. The angle between this radius vector and the fixed axis from pole is also needs to be mentioned. See figure, here pole is point O and axis taken is x-axis (y-axis people draw for comparison with Cartesian coordinate system)

​​​​​​In general vector application one call an axial vector to those vectors which are along axis of some, for example, rotating body, or some kind of curling fields like magnetic field, etc.
But in advanced vector analysis(or what is known as Tensor analysis) an axial vector is known as pseudo-vector.
You may read more about axial vector on wiki here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudovector


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Polar vector A vector quantities whose direction is along the direction of the motion of a body or particle is known as polar vector E.g: displacement, velocity etc Axial vector A vector quantities whose direction is along the direction of rotation of the body or particle E g: angular acceleration,torque etc.
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