What is the difference between radius of curvature and centre of curvature?

 the radius of curvature is the distance between the pole and center while the center of curvature refers to the center of the sphere from which the spherical mirror is obtained

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radius of curvature (FOR A MIRROR) is the distance between centre of curvature to pole of mirror measured along the Principal Axis while centr of curvature is the centre of that spher from which the mirror has been cut out.morevoer radius of curvature denotes length and measures in m , cm while centre of curvature is a point only on Principal Axis with no dimensions.Radius of curvatureis denoted by R while cENTR OF curvature is denoted by R

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centre of curvature is a point  but radius of curvature is aline segment

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Radius of curvature is the distance between pole and center of curvature where as center of curvature is point only just a point.
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a mirror who's reflecting surface is a part of sphere is called a spherical mirror.


every sphere has a centre

thus,the sphere of which spherical mirror is a part has also a centre.

this centre is called centre of curvature of a spherical mirror.

NOTE-it can't be a part of this mirror.

now,the distance between pole and centre of the mirror is called radius of curvature.
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