What is the difference between real gas and an ideal gas?

 In Ideal gas, constituting molecules and atoms have no mutual attractive and repulsive forces. That means there is no loss of kinetic energy during collision among particles. This gas obeys gas equation,


  Where, P = pressure on gas

V = volume of gas

N = no. of mole of substance

R = gas constant (8.314 JK−1mol-1)

T = absolute temperature

Along with this equation it allows all gas equations under all circumstances. Volume occupied by a molecule (particle) is negligible in comparison to total volume of the gas. Kinetic energy  of molecules of ideal gas is directly proportion to absolute temperature.

While Real gas is the gas which is around us and it obeys only law of ‘van der walls equation’. There is some attractive force among particles of the gas. Collision among particles is not perfectly elastic. Real gas behaves like ideal gas at high temperature and low pressure.

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the gases which follows this equation pv=nrt are ideal gases

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A gas consisting of particles that could be atoms or molecules is called an ideal gas if the particles that constitute the gas collide with each other in a perfectly elastic manner. Also the particles should not have any attractive forces between each other. If the gas can be pictured as one that is made up of perfectly hard spheres with no inter particulate attraction it is called an ideal gas. Internal energy in an ideal gas is purely kinetic, and a change in temperature is accompanied by a proportional change in energy.

This can be expressed by the relation PV= nRT perfectly. Here P is the pressure, V is the volume, n is the number of moles, R is the universal gas constant and T is the temperature. Gases around us are not ideal gases, so the ideal gas law is a close fit but does not exactly express the properties of gases.

a real gas deviates from the above behavior and behaves like an ideal gas a high temp. and low pressure...

hope u got it..! :)

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The difference between an ideal gas and a real gas is that real gases will not strictly follow the laws established for ideal gases, because of real-world characteristics. 

An ideal gas can follow the formula PV=nRT 
(P - pressure, V - volume, n - amount of moles, R - Avogrado constant, T - absolute temperature) 

A real gas does not always follow this formula.

  • An ideal gas is infinitely compressible, a real gas will condense to a liquid at some pressure.
  • The particles of an ideal gas lose no energy to its container. A real gas conducts and radiates heat, thereby losing energy.
  • There is no attraction between the molecules of an ideal gas. A real gas has particle attractions.
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