What is the difference between ROOT CAP and ROOT POCKET?

1) Root-cap - It is the protective covering at the root tip
It is generated by the apical meristem ( Specially called Calyptrogen . Calyptra means cap .)
Due to friction with the soil particles the tissue of root cap is continuousely being sloughed off .

New tissue is constantly produced to take the place of the cells removed .

So root cap is a constant feature of a root tip that is actively growing .

Root- caps are found in the terrestrial plants where the roots encounter soil patricle during their growth .

2 ) Root-pockets - These are basically root caps but have lost there utility due to non use .

This is because the roots of the plants that hang freely in water have no friction or resistance from the soil particles to overcome .

So root pockets are vestigeal ( Non functional ) root caps .

Once removed ; there are not regenerated .
Found only in floating aquatic plants like Pistia ; Water hyacinth and trapa .

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