what is the difference between slime mould and protozoans

Slime mouldsare the saprophytic protists.

  • They move along decaying twigs and leaves

  • Under suitable conditions, they form an aggregation called plasmodium, which grows and spreads

  • Under unfavourable conditions, plasmodia differentiate to form fruiting bodies bearing spores at their tips

  • Spores possess extremely resistant true walls, which make them capable for surviving for a long time under adverse conditions

  • Spores disperse by air currents.

  • All Protozoans are heterotrphic.
  • They live as predators or parasites.
  • Protozoans are believed to be primitive relatives of animals
  • They are small, microscopic, unicellular and colourless organisms with varied forms, shapes and symmetry.
  • They move with the help of Pseudopodia, flagella or cilia.
  • Some fresh water forms get rid of excess water through contractile vacuoles.
  • Asexual Reproduction - Binary fission, multiple fission or budding.
  • Sexual Reproduction - Syngamy or Conjugation.
  • Includes Phyla - Zooflagellata, Sarcodina, Sporozoa and Ciliata

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protozoans have infected stage while slime moulds have not. protozoans are divided into four types while slime moulds are not divided.

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