What is the divisibility rule for 10 ?

The last digit of number is "0"
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  • -1
THE Last digit is 0
  • -1
not geting

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The Rule for 10: Numbers that are divisible by 10 need to be even and divisible by 5, because the prime factors of 10 are 5 and 2. Basically, this means that for a number to be divisible by 10, the last digit must be a 0.
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rule 10: if the units place is 0 then it is divible by ten and thetotal number is divisible by 10
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The number in which the last digits are "0" they are divisible by 10
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Numbers that are divisible by 10 should be divisible by 5
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The number which is divisible by 10shoul be divisible by five and at the last of number there should be 0
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