What is the effect of temp on metals and semiconductors

Dear student . Semiconductors: With increase in temperature, the conductivity of the semi-conductor material increases. As with increase in temperature, outermost electrons acquire energy and hence by acquiring energy, the outermost electrons leave the shell of the atom.Hence with increase in temperature, number of carriers in the semiconductor material increases and which leads to increase in conductivity of the material. So we call the semi-conductor material have negative temperature coefficient i.e. with increase in temperature, resistance decreases. AND METAL: Restivity is affected by temperature - for most materials the resistivity increases with temperature. An exception is semiconductors (e.g. silicon) in which the resistivity decreases with temperature. The ease with which a material conducts heat is measured by thermal conductivity. So with decrease in temperature, the thermal effect is nullified and the electrons can flow smoothly without hindrance and thus conductivity increases. Their temperature dependence of conductivity is similar to metals and semiconductors.

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