what is the final height achieved by an individual primarily governed by?what is the role of hormones in this process

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Height is controlled by a number of factors such as environment, genetics, diets, physical exercises, hormones (growth hormone, thyroid etc).

Tallest person at present is Sultan Kösen, he is 8 ft 3 inch.

The traits are controlled by genes present on the chromosomes. A gene is a sequence of DNA that codes for a particular protein. Proteins are the biomolecules responsible for majority of the processes in the body. They act as hormones, neurotransmitters, signalling molecules, structural components, enzymes etc and fulfil a wide variety of other roles. The expression of a trait occurs when these proteins carry out their roles. Let's take height for an example. The height to which a normal person grows is dictated by the number of genes for height that he or she has. These genes control the secretion of human growth hormone or somatotrophin in the body. If the genes are not mutated, the protein products obtained from them will allow only a specific quantity of somatotrophin to be secreted, which will act on the bones and make them elongate to the desired length. If however, the production of growth hormone will either be more or less, the individual will be either tall or dwarf respectively.


  • -6
its mainly 7-8 ft ........also while the final height an individual attains is primarily controlled by gens , hormones controls how the height is increased.....it is important that the body gets correct nutrition during adolescenes to ensure healthy growth of bones , muscles and other parts
  • 13
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