What is the function of gonopore

Dear Student, 
Gonopore is the genital pore in some invertebrates and especially some insects.The position of gonopore differs in different organisms.  The role of reproduction is to provide continue existence of species. So function of gonopores to  carry out reproduction. In cockroach , in males the ejaculatory duct is an elongated wide median duct which run backwards in the abdomen and opens out by MALE GONOPORE  situated ventral to anus. Whereas in females both the lateral oviducts unite to form a broad median common oviduct called vagina, the vagina opens by the FEMALE GONOPORE  into the genital chamber. In millipedes gonopores are present on third body segment behind head. So at position of gonophore reproduction is carried out and hence it act as marker for the opposite sex.

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A gonopore, sometimes called a gonadopore, is a genital pore in many invertebrates. Hexapods, including insects have a single common gonopore, except mayflies, which have a pair of gonopores.More specifically, in the unmodified female it is the opening of the common oviduct, and in the male, it is the opening of the ejaculatory duct.

The position of the gonopore varies considerably between groups, but is generally constant within groups, allowing its position to be used as a "segmental marker". In Malacostraca, it is on the sixth thoracic segment; in Symphyla it is on the fourth trunk segment; in arachnids, it is on the second segment of the opisthosoma. In insects and centipedes, the gonopores are close to the animal's tail,while in millipedes they are on third body segment behind the head, near the second pair of legs.

The positions of the male and female gonopores, either on the base of the leg or on the animal's sternum, is important in the systematics of crabs.
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