what is the functioning of human ear ?

@Eshmeet,Your question has been answered by your friend correctly.

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@Ishan, We appreciate your work.

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You can see in the diagram that the external ear captures the traveling sound waves. The sound waves enter through the pinna into the ear canal. Through the ear canal the sound waves reach the eardrum. These sound waves cause vibrations of the eardrum that are passed on to the middle ear. The three tiny bones in the middle ear pass the vibrations over to the inner ear. The stapes deliver the sound waves to the cochlea through the round window of the outer part of the inner ear, called the bony labyrinth. These vibrations cause the perilymph fluid present in the cochlea to vibrate. These vibrations are picked up by the sensory hair cells, that translate it into nerve impulses and deliver it to the auditory nerve present at the base of cochlea. The VIII cranial nerve carries the messages to the brain, where it is read and translated into meaningful sounds.

Diagram of The Ear

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Different sounds produced in our surroundings are collected by pinna that sends these sounds to the ear drum via the ear canal. The ear drum starts vibrating back and forth rapidly when the sound waves fall on it. The vibrating eardrum sets the small bone hammer into vibration. The vibrations are passed from the hammer to the second bone anvil, and finally to the third bone stirrup. The vibrating stirrup strikes on the membrane of the oval window and passes its vibration to the liquid in the cochlea. This produces electrical impulses of nerve cells. The auditory nerve carries these electrical impulses to the brain. These electrical impulses are interpreted by the brain as sound and u get a sensation of hearing.

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