what is the horizontal and vertical division of himalayas????/plzz fast

 vertical or latitudinal divisions:

1)Shiwaliks- lowest himalaya

2)Himachal- lower himalaya

3)Himadri- higher himalaya

horizontal or longitudinal divisions:

1)Punjab or Kashmir himalaya- Indus to Sutlej george

2)Kumaun himalaya- Sutlej to Kali george

3)Nepal himalaya- Kali to Teesta george

4)Assam himalaya- Teeesta to Dihang george

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Actually the longitudinal divisions are the himadri,himachal and shiwaliks and the latitudinal divisions are the places directed by rivers .i.e. The Punjab or Kashmir himalaya ,the Assam himalaya and the kumaon himalaya and Nepal himalaya
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