What is the likely impact of sarvashikshaabhiyan and skill india campaign on PPC of the indian economy?

Ppc will shift upward to the right
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Rightward shift
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Development nd ultimately efficiency increseas so ppc curve move rightward coz efficient use of resources
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Similarly, students should also be well-acquainted with the government policies which are intended to increase the production to the potential capacity of the country. For example, schemes like Make in India, Sarva Siksha Abhiyaan, Startup India, Skill India and the like. It should be clearly understood that only schemes which will increase the country’s existing or given resources or that which will improve the technique of production will shift PPC (production possibility curve) to the right.
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yes the ppc will shift right ward 
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becoz of the increase in resources and efficiency
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as a result of the sarvasiksha abyan and the skill india campaign the ppc of indian economy will move right showing increase in the overall production possibility of indian economy due to the increase in efficiency of input (labour)
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sarvasikshaabhiyan and skill india campign increases the productivity of the input(labour) hence it will lead to PPC moving rightward showing an increase in production possiblity.
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PPC will shift right ward
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