what is the meaning of omnivore

Dear Student,

Omnivore are those animals that feed on both plant and animal products. Example are: Dog, crow, etc.

Hope this helps,

Cheers !!

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 madam but in the video they gave chimpanzee rat and human beings r both of them omnivores pl answer this

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 omnivores are the animals who eat both herbivore and carnivore

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 omniwors are animals that eat both plants and animals.  e.g:-mouse,chimpanzee

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chimpanzee eat plants and animals so he is omnivore e.g:-plantsand non veg. And rat is also eat plants and animals so he is omnivore. And himans are also omnivores because they eat plants and animals because we eat chicken and rice and more.But which animals only eat the flesh of other animals so they are carnivores. example lions,wolves.which animals eat only plants are called herbivores. example cows ,deers ,horses.I hope this helps!

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