Frank : i dont, I admit but that's no criterion. (The browning version)

WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS ? Frank : i dont, I admit but that's no criterion. (The browning version) — out wno else pays attention toÄt — excep Mr Crocker-Harris? I don't, I admit— but that's no terion. So youhJ got to wait until tomorrow to know your fate. hav you? TAPLOW: Yes, sir. PRANK.• Supp ing the answe is favourable —what ther m mely Not—at least, in the scienc

Frank said that he, like all the other teachers, did not follow the rule that form results should only be announced by the headmaster on the last day of the term. But, that could not be the standard by which Crocker Harris's decision to follow the rule should be judged.

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