what is the message in the lesson "we are not afraid to die if we all can be be together"?

Never Give Up
  • -6
'' The united we are, The stronger we are''
As from the story we can see that when the author completely lost his hopes about being saved then it was his family members especially his children's hopes which kept the author fighting the situation. Their courage, strength and believe lit his hopes and made him determined to fight this situation. The complete support from their two crew members has also helped him a lot.
  • 34
Both ans iscorrect
  • -10
the message is ' unity is strength' i.e. " we're not afraid to die if we all can be together". 
  • -4
How optimism helps to overcome disasters
  • -3
We should be optimistism and positive thinking
  • -3
Two messages we get from the lesson "we are not afraid to die if we all can be together",that is:
first,"When we are together, we are more stronger". As we can see in the lesson that writer and his family along with the two crewman Larry and Herb did not lose hope but kept on trying their best. In every bad situation they together hoped for the best and cheered up each-other. Time came when writer Gordon Cook was hopeless but his family supported him and encouraged him to go on with which he finally found the island IIe Amsterdam.
Willpower,Determination and courage to stand back are the important things in our life which help us in facing every difficulties, even if those difficulties are stronger than us. Writer Gordon Cook and his family didn't lose hope and kept on trying, which shows their strong determination,willpower and courage to stand back and face their fears. 
  • 38
United we stand divided we fall
  • 2
Always be brave, calm & optimistic
  • -3
Never give up
  • -2
Unity, courage, brave, willpower, determined, face fears, never give up, optimistic
  • 1
Teamwork wins any crisis is the theme of the story ' we're not afraid to die......'
  • 4
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