what is the ooganesis

Oogenesis is the creation of an ovum (egg cell). It is the female form of gametogenesis; the male equivalent is spermatogenesis. It involves the development of the various stages of the immature ovum. Oogenesis starts with the process of developing oogonia, which occurs via the transformation of primordial follicles into primary oocytes, a process called oocytogenesis. Oocytogenesis is complete either before or shortly after birth.
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It is a type of gameto-genesis. It is the process of producing female gametes, once sex determination of the embryo has occurred. The presence of the SRY gene on the Y chromosome leads to male gonad formation and spermatogenesis, while female gonad development is the ‘default state’. The process of oogenesis creates egg cells, known as ova, and is completed throughout a woman’s lifetime. Like spermatogenesis, oogenesis involves the creation of haploid sex cells through the process of meiosis.
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