What is the origin of universe

Dear Student,
It is thought that the Universe was born in a big bang. About 15 million years ago, a tiny point mass of heavy density began enlarging rapidly in a hot explosion. This expansion even continues today. After exploding and expanding,the matter keeps cooling. All matter, space and the energy required also originated through this explosion. As the exploded particles cooled, they assembled to form atoms of various elements. These particles are clumped to form many galaxies, gas clouds and stars. These heavenly bodies keeping moving due the kinetic energy they possess and the action of gravity. When they move, they happen to collide with other heavenly bodies leading to more explosions and expansions. This how universe originates and it is still expanding its space.


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A small dot like structure is the origin of universe.When we blow ballon the dots on ballon gets far away from each other.simialrly long time ago universe was just like dot.It become big and big and all the galaxies gets far away from each other.
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Universe is expanding everyday. Earlier about millions of years ago universe was only a point.After that due to gravitional force and increase in temperature they began to get far away from each other this lead to expansion of such a huge universe.HOW AMAZING IT IS!
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