what is the philosophy of indian constitution?

  • Constitution is framed on the basis of social values which were developed during the freedom struggle
  • It is the set of rules and laws that govern the States, Union Territories of the entire country
  • The philosophy of Indian Constitution is reflected in the Preamble or the introductory statement of the constitution.
  • The words that form the part of Preamble and philosophy on which the Constitution is framed are Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic and Republic
  • We, the People of India denotes that the constitution is enacted by the people through elected representatives
  • Sovereign refers to that the People have superior rights to take decisions on both internal and external affairs
  • According to the term Socialist, in a democratic country wealth is distributed equally in the society
  • Secular refers to that the people have complete freedom to preach any religion and they are treated equally with respect by the government
  • Democratic indicates that the government guarantees equal rights, and allows the people to choose their representatives who rule them
  • Republic refers to that the Chief of the country is elected person and not hereditary elected persons
  • Equality denotes that all are equal before law and government does not practice any discrimination on any person on grounds of religion, caste, sex, etc

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