What is the purpose of making national parks wildlife sanctuaries and biosphere reserves?

The purpose of making national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and biosphere reserves is to conserve and protect the whole ecosystem from exploitation and to protect the ecosystem we need to conserve its biodiversity at all levels that means both in its natural environment like forest and artificial created environments by humans like zoos.

It maintains a balance of all the factors on earth which are responsible for survival of man and continuity of life.

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the purpose of  making national parks wildlife sanctuaries and biosphere reserves is to conserve our traditional culture, endangered species, biodiversity of earth etc.

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As many species are extict & some are endangered.Wildlife sanctaries & biospheres reserves are built for protection of present species from human disturbance & polution

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What is a biosphere reserve?  
Biosphere reserves are areas of terrestrial  and coastal ecosystems promoting solutions to 
reconcile the conservation of biodiversity with its sustainable use. They are internationally 
recognized, nominated by national governments and remain under sovereign jurisdiction of 
the states where they are located. Biosphere reserves serve in some ways as 'living 
laboratories' for testing out and demonstrating integrated management of land, water and 
biodiversity. Collectively, biosphere reserves form a world  network: the World Network of 
Biosphere Reserves (WNBR). Within this network, exchanges of information, experience and 
personnel are facilitated. There are over 500 biosphere reserves in over 100 countries. 
How did the biosphere reserve concept start?  
The origin of Biosphere Reserves goes back  to the "Biosphere Conference" organized by 
UNESCO in 1968. This was the 1st intergovernmental conference  examining how to 
reconcile the conservation and use of natural resources, thereby foreshadowing the presentday notion of sustainable development. This Conference resulted in  the launching of the 
UNESCO "Man and the Biosphere" (MAB) Programme in 1970. One of the original MAB 
projects consisted in establishing a coordinated World Network of sites representing the 
main ecosystems of the planet in which genetic resources would be protected, and where 
research on ecosystems as well as monitoring and training work could be carried out. These 
sites were named as "Biosphere Reserves", in reference to the MAB programme itself.  
What are the functions of biosphere reserves?  
Each biosphere reserve is intended to fulfil 3 basic functions, which are complementary and 
mutually reinforcing:  
- a conservation function - to contribute to the conservation of landscapes, ecosystems, 
species and genetic variation;  
- a development function - to foster economic and human development which is socioculturally and ecologically sustainable;  
- a logistic function - to provide support for research, monitoring, education and 
information exchange related to local, national and global issues of conservation and 
What are the biosphere reserve zones?  
Biosphere reserves are organized into 3 interrelated zones:  
- the core area  
- the buffer zone  
- the transition area  



wildlife sanctuary is a space which is set aside exclusively for the use of wild animals, who are protected when they roam or live in that area.Wildlife sanctuaries are also referred to as wildlife refuges in some areas. Typically, a wildlife sanctuary is created through a government mandate which sets the space aside for the use of animal protection, and rangers or other government employees may patrol the area to ensure that no one hunts or otherwise harasses the animals.

There are a number of reasons to establish a wildlife sanctuary. In many cases, a government creates a sanctuary for the purpose of protectingendangered species with a limited territorial range. Since it is not always possible to relocate animals or breed them in captivity, protecting their natural habitat can be very important. Endangered species in wildlife sanctuaries are typically closely monitored, and if their populations grow while under protection, some specimens may be captured for breeding in conservation parks to ensure that the species survives.



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 A national park is a piece of land protected by the government of a country. This land may have interesting wildlife, plant life and natural features, such as waterfalls and mountainsThe features of a national park are there for people to enjoy observing, but visitors must respect the wildlife, plants and landforms

Giving animals space and keeping the land clean are great ways to ensure our national parks stay beautiful! To help make sure the park’s creatures are safe, there may be even areas within the park where people are not allowed to travel.
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