What is the range of f(x) = lx-1l / (x-1) ? How do we calculate range?

The given function is ,
f(x) =x-1x-1...........(1)
Domain of the given function will be all values of x except 1 and range of the function will be the different value of function at different value of the domain of the function ,
Since function is not defined at x = 1 so we can take two interval,
Case 1- when x < 1 , Then;
|x-1| = -(x-1) = 1-x now putting this value in equation (1) we get,
f(x) = x-1x-1= 1-xx-1= -1
Case 2 - when x > 1. then;
|x-1| = (x-1) now putting this value in equation (1) we get,
f(x) = x-1x-1=x-1x-1=1
So it is clear that whatever will be the value of the x , we will get 1 or -1 as the value of the function so
Range of the function will be 1 or -1. Answer
2) Range of a function can be found by first finding the domain of the function , after that find the maximum and minimum value of the function by putting the value of the domain and that would be the range of the function.

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