what is the rank of PARKAR in the dictionary

to find the rank of PARKAR , let us arrange the letters in order as in dictionary order.
total number of letters = 6, in which A and R occur twice.
the number of words which starts with A is 5!2!=5*4*3=60 [since R occur twice
the number of words which starts with K is 5!2!.2!=5*4*3*22*2=30 [since A and R occur twice
now the number of words which starts with PAA = 3!2!=3 [since R occur twice
the number of words which starts with PAK is 3!2!=3
the number of words which starts with PARA is 2! =2
the next word is PARKAR 
therefore the rank of PARKAR in dictionary is 60+30+3+3+2+1 = 99

hope this helps you

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