What is the reason of civil war in Sri Lanka ???

Dear Student,

Most of Sri Lankans are ethnic Sinhalese, a gathering of Indo-European people groups that had relocated to the island from northern India in the BC 500s. The Sinhalese had contacts with the Tamils who were gotten comfortable the southern piece of the Indian subcontinent. A significant relocation of the Tamils happened between the seventh and the 11thcenturies CE. 
At the point when the British began administering the country in 1815, the estimated populace of the Sinhalese was approximately 3 million and the Tamils numbered up to 300,000. Aside from the identities, the two gatherings additionally contrasted in their strict affiliations. The Sinhalese were dominatingly Buddhist and the Tamils were generally Hindu. The British managed over Sri Lanka from 1815 to 1948. During this time, they carried almost 1,000,000 Tamils to work in the espresso, tea and elastic estates to the island-country. The British additionally set up great instructive and other framework in the northern piece of the country, which was the place where the Tamils were in a lion's share. They additionally preferred the Tamils in the common help. This normally cultivated sick inclination among the Sinhalese. 
In the wake of accomplishing freedom, the new government started numerous laws that oppressed the Tamils. Sinhalese was proclaimed the sole authority language which successfully wiped out the Tamils from taxpayer driven organization. A law was likewise passed which basically banished Indian Tamils from getting citizenship. The Tamils began requesting equivalent rights in their country. Their requests were simply and their strategies serene.


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The distrust between the Sinhala and Tamil communities turned into a civil war due to the following reasons :
(a) Sinhala was declared as the only official language disregarding Tamil.

(b) Sinhala applicants were favoured for government jobs and higher positions in military and bureaucracy.

(c) Buddhism was declared as the official religion.
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@neha I will like yours, plz support mine too
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The majority of Sri Lankans are ethnic Sinhalese, a group of Indo-European peoples that had migrated to the island from northern India in the BC 500s. The Sinhalese had contacts with the Tamils who were settled in the southern part of the Indian subcontinent. A major migration of the Tamils occurred between the 7th and the 11thcenturies CE.

When the British started ruling the country in 1815, the approximate population of the Sinhalese was roughly 3 million and the Tamils numbered up to 300,000. Apart from the ethnicities, the two groups also differed in their religious affiliations. The Sinhalese were predominantly Buddhist and the Tamils were mostly Hindu. The British ruled over Sri Lanka from 1815 to 1948. During this time, they brought nearly a million Tamils to work in the coffee, tea and rubber plantations to the island-nation. The British also set up good educational and other infrastructure in the northern part of the country, which was where the Tamils were in a majority. They also favoured the Tamils in the civil service. All this naturally fostered ill-feeling among the Sinhalese.

After attaining independence, the new government initiated many laws that discriminated against the Tamils. Sinhalese was declared the sole official language which effectively eliminated the Tamils from government service. A law was also passed which simply barred Indian Tamils from getting citizenship. The Tamils started demanding equal rights in their homeland. Their demands were just and their methods peaceful.

However, ethnic tension was rising in the country and the successive Sinhalese governments did nothing to provide equal rights and opportunities to the Tamil people. They were even targets of sectarian violence.

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Thank u @neha... accept my request
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