what is the significance of mitosis and meiosis?


1. It occurs in the vegetative or somatic cells.

2. After this division two daughter cells are produced.

3. Daughter cells process the same chromosome number as that of parent cell.

4. It is of short duration.

5. Daughter cells are similar to parent cell genetically.

6. There is no crossing over in mitosis.



1. It occurs in the reproductive cells.

2. Four daughter cells are produced after melotic division.

3. Chromosome number of daughter cells is reduced to half.

4. It is of long duration. The complete process is divided in to two divisions.

5. Daughter cells have genetic differences from the parent cell.

6. Crossing over takes place between the nonsister chromatids.

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  • It occurs in the vegetative or somatic cells.
  • After this division two daughter cells are produced.
  • Daughter cells process the same chromosome number as that of parent cell
  • Daughter cells are similar to parent cell genetically.
  • There is no crossing over in mitosis.


  • It occurs in the reproductive cells.
  • Four daughter cells are produced after melotic division.
  • Chromosome number of daughter cells is reduced to half.
  • It is of long duration. The complete process is divided in to two division
  • Crossing over takes place between the nonsister chromatids.
  • daughter cells are genitically different

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