What is the square of  253  using the vedic method


find nearest hundreds number 300  is closer let's pick 300

diff between 300 ans 253 is 47

add 47 to 253, 253+47=300

subtract 47 from 253 , 253-47=206

multyply 300 x 206=  61800

take square of 47, 47x 47=2209

now add 61800 and 2209, 61800 + 2209 = 64009

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find nearest hundreds number 300 is closer let's pick 300

diff between 300 ans 253 is 47

add 47 to 253, 253+47=300

subtract 47 from 253 , 253-47=206

multyply 300 x 206= 61800

take square of 47, 47x 47=2209

now add 61800 and 2209, 61800 + 2209 = 64009

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