what is the total no of candidates at an examination if 31% fail and the number of those who pass exceeds the number of those who fail by 247.?


Let us assume that the total number of candidates be X.

Then the total no. ofcandidatesfailed will be 31% of X = 32X/100, then the total no. ofcandidatespassed will be (31X/100 + 247).

Then the equation we get:

31X/100 + (31X/100 + 247) = X

31X/100 + 31X/100 + 247 = X

31X + 31X + 24700 / 100 = X

62X + 24700 = 100X

62X - 100X = -24700

- 38X = -24700

X = 24700/38 = 650 Nos.

Ans: The total no. ofcandidates= 650.

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