What is the value of x?

What is the value of x? faintly alkaline solution, 8 moles of permanganate anion to Y mole of sulphur pduct 12

Dear student,

3e- +  MnO4- + 2H2O --> MnO2 +  4OH- ] x 8
S2O3 2- +  10OH-  ---->  2SO4 2- + 5H2O + 8e- ] x 3
24e- + 8MnO4- +16H2O -----> 8MnO2 + 32OH-
3S2O32-  + 3OH- ---->  6SO4 2- + 15H2O + 24e-
Adding all reactants and productants,we get,
8MnO4+ 3S2O32- + H2O ---->  8MnO2 + 6SO4 2- + 2OH-
8 moles of MnO4- ion gives 6 moles of SO42- ion
So.the correct option is (1).


  • -3
2nd option
  • -1
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