what is the volume of a face centred cubic unit cell, when its density is 2 g/cm3 and the molar mass of the substance is 60.23g/mol?

​It is a FCC structure , so the value of Z = 4.
Molar mass = 60.23 g
density = 2 gcm-3

Volume of unit cell, a3  = Molar mass×Zdensity×NAVolume of unit cell, a3= 60.23×42×6.022×1023                               =20.0033×10-23 cm3

  • 35
Waise tell me how was your mains ?
  • 3
z = 4
then use the formula
d = Mz / N a3
u require a3 coz its the volume.
Insert the values and get it.
  • 7
What are you looking for?