What is Torque??

Dear Student,
Torque is defined as the turning effect of an external force acting on a body about a fixed axis or point. Torque is the rotational analogue of force in linear motion. Torque will produce the same effect in rotational motion as force produces in linear motion. 
Torque is a vector quantity and is denoted by τ.
It is given by the cross product of position vector of point of application of force (with respect to the axis) and the force responsible for the turning effect.
Examples: (1) When we apply force to the pedal of the cycle, we are actually applying a torque.
             (2) The rotor of the fan applies torque to its leaves, and thus the leaves rotate.

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Torque is the rotational equivalent of linear force. It is also referred to as the moment, moment of force, rotational force or turning effect, depending on the field of study. The concept originated with the studies by Archimedes of the usage of levers.
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