What is transportation explain in detail

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Transportation is the process of moving water and essential nutrients to all sections of the plant or animal body in order for it to survive.

  1. The transportation of water and minerals in plants takes place by these steps:
    • Absorption by roots: Water and mineral salts dissolved in water are absorbed by the cells of root hairs through active and passive absorption.​​​​​​
    • Root pressure: After the water is absorbed by the root hairs, the roots create a pressure that pushes the water into the xylem vessels. This root pressure is adequate to send water to the tip of tiny herbs and shrubs.
    • Cohesive and adhesive forces: These are the extra forces that aid in the upward movement of water through the xylem. The force of attraction between water molecules is known as a cohesive force and the force of attraction between a water molecule and cell walls is adhesive force.
    • Transpiration pull: It's an anti-gravitational force caused by the loss of water from the leaves, which pulls water up from the roots. In tall trees, transpiration pull helps to draw water to the tips
  2. The main transportation system of humans is the circulatory system; The circulatory system distributes nutrients and collects waste products for disposal within the body. The circulatory system consists of the heart as the primary organ, blood vessels, and blood as the circulating fluid.
    • The heart pumps oxygenated blood throughout the body. It receives deoxygenated blood from the various body parts and sends this impure blood to the lungs for oxygenation.
    • Blood transports oxygen, nutrients, CO2, and nitrogenous wastes because it is a fluid connective tissue.
    • Blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries) transport blood between the heart and various organs.


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