what is vacuum/ explain why sound cannot travel through vacuum

Vacuum is empty space, devoid of any mater, particles and even air. Vacuum is a state which is referred to being complete emptiness. For example - the outer space is a near perfect vacuum.

Sound is a mechanical wave and mechanical waves are propagated by the oscillation of molecules in a medium like, air, water or gas. There are no molecules in the vacuum to produce oscillations. So sound cannot travel through vacuum.

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Vacuum is a space that is empty of matter.

Sound is a mechanical energy, and thus requires a material medium for the transfer of its energy. Since there is no material (matter) in a vacuum, sound energy cannot travel through it.

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 vaccum is a space with avilablity of no matter like water air gas.Electric bell suspended inside an airtight glass bell jar

An electric bell is suspended inside an airtight glass bell jar connected to a vacuum pump. As the electric bell circuit is completed, the sound is heard. Now if the air is slowly removed from the bell jar by using a vacuum pump, the intensity of sound goes on decreasing and finally no sound is heard when all the air is drawn out. We would be seeing the hammer striking the gong repeatedly. This clearly proves that sound requires a material for its propagation.

Sound can propagate not only through gases but also through solids and liquids. Some materials like air, water, iron etc can easily transmit sound energy from one place to another. On the other hand materials like blanket and thick curtains absorb most of the sound energy.

necesscity of material medium for propagation of sound

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Vacuum is a space that is empty of matter. 

Sound is a mechanical energy, and thus requires a material medium for the transfer of its energy. Since there is no material (matter) in a vacuum, sound energy cannot travel through it.

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They can also feel the waves. Sound cannot travel through a vacuum. A vacuumis an area without any air, like space. So sound cannot travel through space because there is no matter for the vibrations to work in.
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sound wave is a elastic wave which needs a medium to travel in a vaccum there are no air molecules present to vibrate and to propagate the sound sice the medium to propagate is absent
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