What is verb and how many types of verbs and explain all types of verb??

Dear Student,

Verbs are words that express action or give an idea of doing something. For eg. eat, play, walk, run, study, laugh, etc. 
There are three types of  verbs :

1. Action Verbs- Action verbs are those words that express an action (give, eat)  or possession (have, own). It can be either transitive or intransitive.

a. Transitive verb- A transitive verb is one which must have an object to complete its meaning, and to receive the action expressed. eg- Mohan kicked the ball.

b. Intransitive verb-  An intransitive verb is the one that is complete in itself. eg- Mohan walked.

2. Linking Verbs- A verb that connects a subject with a noun or adjective that is the subject.eg- Mohan appeared happy.

3. Helping Verbs- Helping verbs are used before action or linking verbs to convey additional information.eg- Mohan is (helping verb) going to his house.



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There are two types of verb
Helping verb and main verb
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verbs r words indicating action or state of being in a sentence. a sentence remains incomplete without the precence of a finite verb in it.
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two typess of verbs r theree
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i have answered them in 1 of ur question refer that

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