What ismeant by acculturation? Is acculturation a smooth process? Discuss.

Acculturationrefers to the cultural and psychological changes that result fromcontact with other cultures. This process can be direct, indirect,voluntary or involuntary.

Thesmoothness of the process of acculturation depends upon there-socialisation of the people, this is because

sometimesit is easy for people to learn new norms, values, dispositions andpatterns of behaviour. Successful adaptation in such instances leadsto a smooth process of acculturation towards the group that isresponsible for it. Contrary to this,

individualsalso face difficulties while adopting new cultural traits and itresults in a state of conflict.

Thissituation arises mostly when acculturation is involuntary and ispainful as it leads to experience of stress and other behaviouraldifficulties.

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