What kind of character does mrs. Umney showes ( describe her character )?

Mrs. Umney has all the characteristics of a typical "British housekeeper". She is also the quintessential British traditionalist. She wears a black dress, as if she is still in mourning. Mrs. Umney introduces the Otis family to the "bloodstain" in the living room and then goes onto relate the story behind it. She explains that the "bloodstain" is supernatural in nature, because it belonged to Lady Canterville, who was shot by her husband Lord Simon Canterville at the very same spot. She goes on to explain that it is the Ghost of Simon Canterville, which haunts the house. Mrs. Umney is also representative of the ancient beliefs that have perpetuated over time. On a humorous note, she is also the "ever-fainting" housekeeper, who is frightened of the  slightest of things. However, she appreciates the raise she receives from the Otis family and continues to stay in spite of the Ghost. Thus, overall Mrs. Umney represents the British working class people, who love to gossip, tell fantastic tales and are quite interested in money.

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