what made little abe stand on the dry goods box and deliver the speech

what made little abe stand on the dry goods box and deliver the speech the Little Abe threw his o goods box, d held the attention of the n consu era e a that •Ven the C M-npa.gn speec Dennis Hanks, who thought Abe was greatest who lived, was delighted, and he often spoke of how Abe got better or the trained campaign speaker Lincoln •s R. O. Wo and respond : hat made little Abe Stand on the dry box C) DO you think good dress, appearance, position O What is the role of Dennis in bringing out best ¯1 Do you think that everybody has some potcnott dare to showcase their talents. What do you think are the reasons for this? O Lack of opportunity O Lack of confidence 0 P a to the general Often a; candidates stood upon tree stump, a — the Amenca

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