What's the answer for this question??

Dear student,

Single thin cotyledon of monocots, especially of grasses is called scutellum. It is involved in absorbing nutrients from the endosperm and transferring it to the growing embryo during seed germination.

While hypocotyl, endosperm and epicotyl are present both in monocots and dicots, scutellum is present only in monocots.

So, the correct option is 4) scutellum.


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Dear student,

Single thin cotyledon of monocots, especially of grasses is called scutellum. It is involved in??absorbing nutrients?from the endosperm ?and transferring it?to the ?growing embryo during seed germination.

While hypocotyl, endosperm and epicotyl are present both in monocots and dicots, scutellum is present only in monocots.

So, the correct option is 4) scutellum.

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