what's the difference between Antiseptic and disinfectant...???

The main differences between antiseptics and disinfectants are that 

Disinfectants are used primarily to sanitize objects, and antiseptics are used on human skin. They both act as antimicrobials that kills the microbes that cause infection, and contain many of the same ingredients. Disinfectant usually comes in liquid form or in a spray, whereas antiseptic is usually in the form of an ointment, but it can also be a spray. Disinfectants are more toxic than antiseptics.

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Antiseptics are applied to living tissues such as wounds, cuts, ulcers,diseased skin surfaces while disinfectants are applied to inanimate object such as floors, drains, instruments, etc

Eg.s of antiseptics:

Furacine, soframicine, dettol, tincture of iodine, iodoform, basic acid in dilute aqueous solution.

Eg.s og disinfectants:

0.2 to 0.4 of chlorine in aqueous solution, sulphur dioxide in low concentration.

Both the chemicals(antiseptics & disinfectants) kills or prevent the growth of microorganisms.

Hope it helps u...!!!!!!

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