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What this answer Jiu calculated his expenses from Sunday to Thursday, he found the average expenditure to be 400 rupees perday Including Friday, the average increased to 430 rupees perday. How much did he spent on Friday? Including Saturday, the average decreased to 390 rupees per day. How much did he spend on Saturday? 7. 40cbiIdren ofclass VI donated 50 rupees on average to the Mutual Aid Fund. 30 children of class V donated 800 rupees in all. If we consider both classes together, how much did each donate on average? 8. Threegroupsof10 kids. The average weight ofakid in each group is 35 kilograms. One more kid joined each group. i) The average weight ofa kid in the first group is still 35 kilograms. ii) The average weight ofakid in the second group is now 36 kilograms. iii) The average weight ofa kid in the third group is now 34 kilograms. Compute the weight of the new kid in each group.

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