What type of cell division takes place during gametogenesis. What is its significance?

Dear Student,

Meiosis takes place during gametogenesis. 

The process of production of gametes by parent cells by undergoing meiosis is known as Gametogenesis. 

Meiosis is the process
involving the reduction in the amount of genetic material. It comprises two successive nuclear and cell divisions, with a single cycle of DNA replication. As a result, at the end of meiosis II, four haploid cells are formed.

Significance of meiosis:

1. Meiosis maintains the chromosome number from generation to generation. It reduces the chromosome number to half so that the process of fertilisation restores the original number in the zygote.

2. Variations are caused by the cross-over and the random distribution of homologous chromosomes between daughter cells. Variations play an important rolein evolution.

3. Chromosomal mutations are brought about by the introduction of certain abnormalities. These chromosomal mutations may be advantageous for an individual.


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Gametogenesis involves the formation of Gametes which are haploid. If a haploid cell gives rise to gametes the cell division that takes place is mitosis.
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Dear student,

Meiosis takes place during gametogenesis.

The biological process through which haploid (n) gametes are formed as a result of cell division and differentiation of diploid (2n) cells are called?Gametogenesis.

Among the two types of cell division mitotic and meiotic, only?meiotic cell division?can produce haploid (n) cells from a diploid (2n) cell. It is also known as reduction division as it reduces the chromosome number into half. But in mitotic cell division chromosome numbers remain unchanged.

Thus gametogenesis will never occur without meiotic cell division.

1.?Meiosis maintains the chromosome number from generation to generation. It reduces the chromosome number to half so that the process of fertilisation restores the original number in the zygote.

2.?Variations are caused by the cross-over and the random distribution of homologous chromosomes between daughter cells. Variations play an important role in evolution.

3.?Chromosomal mutations are brought about by the introduction of certain abnormalities. These chromosomal mutations may be advantageous for an individual.

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Gametogenesis is a biological process by which diploid or haploid precursor cells under go cell division and differentiation to form mature haploid gametes depending on the biological life cycle of the organisms gametogenesis occurs by meiotic division of diploid gametocytes into various gametes.
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Dear student,

Meiosis takes place during gametogenesis.

The biological process through which haploid (n) gametes are formed as a result of cell division and differentiation of diploid (2n) cells are called Gametogenesis.

Among the two types of cell division mitotic and meiotic, only meiotic cell division can produce haploid (n) cells from a diploid (2n) cell. It is also known as reduction division as it reduces the chromosome number into half. But in mitotic cell division chromosome numbers remain unchanged.

Thus gametogenesis will never occur without meiotic cell division.

Significance of meiosis:

1. Meiosis maintains the chromosome number from generation to generation. It reduces the chromosome number to half so that the process of fertilisation restores the original number in the zygote.

2. Variations are caused by the cross-over and the random distribution of homologous chromosomes between daughter cells. Variations play an important role in evolution.

3. Chromosomal mutations are brought about by the introduction of certain abnormalities. These chromosomal mutations may be advantageous for an individual.

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