what was ashoka's dhamma ?

After converting to Buddhism, one of the greatest emperors of India, Ashoka disseminated the teachings and knowledge of the Buddhist scriptures. Ashoka always had belief in morals and principles and had high ideals in life. These came to be known as Dhamma of Emperor Ashoka. The word Dhamma is the Prakrit version of the Sanskrit word Dharma. Given here is further information about king Asoka's Dharma.

Ashoka's Dhamma is a philosophical entity that emphasizes on the high ideals in order to lead a successful life. He wanted everyone to live peacefully and co-exist in a harmonious environment. Some of his ideals were to shun war and spread peace, stop animal sacrifices, respect elders, masters treating slaves like humans, promoting vegetarianism, etc. These ideals if followed correctly lead one to a higher level of living. Ashoka wanted to spread peace and prosperity in his kingdomSource:

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Asoka's Dhamma Did Not Involve Any Woship Of God Or Perfomance Of Any Sacrifice.

He Just Felt Like A Father Tries To Teach His Son.

Asoka Appointed Officials Know As Dhammamahamatta Who Went From Place To Place Teaching About Dhamma.

Asoka Also Sent Messengers To Otherlands To Spread Ideas About Dhamma.

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it is clear form of ashoka rocks incerpection pillar edicts and cave incerpection that he made a great eforts to prograte his principle of dhamma to recpet elder love the young follow truth relegioustolarnce charity on valance

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thanks Theres and Sarath Deleepyour answers were really helpful.

: )
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Ashokadhammadid not involve worship of a god or perfomence of a sacrifice but his instructions to his subjests
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what  means  did  Ashoka  adopt  to  spread  dharmma
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Ashoka appointed officers, delegated powers to them and expected them to be accountable. he also appointed special officers called Dhamma mahamattas to devote themselves to the maintenance of Dhamma so the his people could obtain happiness in this world and the next. Ashoka cared for his people like a father. he worked hard to make them accept values which were accepted in principle but rarely practised. almost 30 edicts were found throughout India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. the edicts were in Prakrit, the language spoken by the masses. most of his edicts speak of his overwhelming concern for the welfare of his people.
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Ashoka's Dhamma was a practical code of social ethics. It inspires to lead a pure and high moral life
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Ashoka laid stress on high ideals of conduct in practical life to make men peaceful and virtuous. This was called Dhamma (The Pali word for Dharma). His Dhamma was a practical code of morals. It aimed at improving lives of the people. The main points of  Ashoka's Dhamma or Dharma were the following:

a) People should follow ahinsa i.e, non-injury to all living creatures.

b) People should live in peace and shouldn't fight over land and religion

c) They should show respect and tolerance to all religions

d) Children must obey their parents and show them respect. In the same way, students should obey and respect their gurus (Teachers)
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