what was the condition of douglasunder water

The above line is taken from the lesson "Deep Water". When Douglas was at YMCA pool alone, a big bruiser, a boy of eighteen, picked him up and tossed him into the deep water. The pool was nine feet deep but to Douglas it seemed to be ninety feet. Before he could touch the bottom of the pool, his lungs were ready to burst. However the terror stricken Douglas gathered all his strength and sprang upwards. But he had already swallowed water and choked. He was suffocating and felt lifeless and paralysed. The situation was filled with stark terror but midst of this terror came a touch of reason. Being courageous, with his stiff and rigid body, he decided that he must jump with all his strength when he touches the water.
Unfortunately this touch of reason did not prove to be successful. The stark of terror gripped him even more fiercely. He limbs did not move. He tried calling for help but nothing happened. 

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