What were Hitler's beliefs regarding the Jews? What did he advocate as the "final solution" to the Jewish problem?

Dear Student,

a. Hitler believed in establishing a strong and a prosperous German state comprising of  the pure Nordic German Aryan race that he considered as superior.
b. He held Jews responsible for the misery and plight of the Germany and also regarded them as killers of the Christ and usurers.
c. Thus, he believed that the Jews who belonged to the lowest rung had to be eliminated as they were thought of polluting the superior race.
d. He carried out massive propaganda against the Jews with his racial policy declaring Germans as pure Aryan race and considering Jews as undesirables, and even succeeded in moulding people’ attitude towards them.
e. Since he was the Chancellor of Germany, in whom people saw his saviour, the attitude towards Jews formed part of nazi ideology and policy.
f.  Hitler developed his own set of beliefs and  practises talking clues from the theories of Darwin and Herbert Spencer who talked about that evolution of the species proceeds by the survival of the fittest. 
g.  With the medium of art, Jews were stereotyped, mocked, abused, they were shown as people with different appearance ,referred as vermin, rats. 
h. Nazi's aimed at indoctrinating people and the youth of the country by controlling media, schools and entire education system which was aimed at glorifying Nazi ideology and developing hatred against the jews.

i. Nazis used the terms final solution, special treatment for their acts of persecution, which involved a series of steps through which jews had to be eliminated.
ii. In the  first step , Jews were segregated from the rest of the population, they were terrorised, they were expelled from the government services, not allowed to hold national flags, they were boycotted, they were forced to sell their property, all their belongings were confiscated. 
The Nuremberg Laws of citizenship passed in  September 1935​, declared them as non citoizens.
iii. In the second step, Jews were made to wear a yellow star of David as an identity mark, they were concentrated in one area, they were kept in Ghettos, in concentration camps surrendering all their wealth.
iv. And finally in the third step Jews were deported to gas factories from different parts of Europe and were charred to death. 
v. It brought about mass genocide, the worst crime,  eliminating them.


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final solution means the different way of language implemented by Hitler to kill jews.
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