What were the consequences of the forest and wasteland acts . pls answer

Dear Student,

Please refer the following points:

 The colonial government enacted forest acts in the different provinces. Through these Acts some forests which produced commercially valuable timber like deodar or sal were declared ‘Reserved’. Other forests were classified as ‘Protected’. This would help the colonists to export the wood and earn revenue.
Impact of  Forest act:
a. Villagers were not allowed to access Reserved forests.
b. Shifting cultivation was banned.
c. It brought about huge displacement of people.
d. Taxes were imposed on people.
e. Grazing and hunting were restricted as a result many nomadic communities lost their livelihood.

The British enacted Waste land rules which had the following provisions and the impact:

a. By this act uncultivated land was taken away by the administration and given to select individuals.
b. These individuals were granted various concessions, some of them were made village headmen.
c. The lands that were taken were mostly the grazing tracts.
d. This act shrank the land available to the pastoralists. 


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