What were the negative and positive impacts of british education system on the lives of Indians ?

Positive impacts of British Education system
1)  Macaulay emphasised the need to teach English language as he felt that English would allow Indians read the finest literature the language had produced the world
2)  Teaching English helped to civilize Indians which would thereby change their tastes, culture and values
3)  It would enable Indians to recognize the advantages of trade and commerce in India.
4)  It would change the desires of Indians as they would begin to appreciate and buy things produced in Europe thereby increasing the demand for British goods
5)  Steps were taken to develop University education also in India and more schools, colleges and universities were opened in India

Negative impacts of British Education system
1)  According to Gandhiji, British education system created a sense of inferiority in the minds of Indians
2)  It destroyed the pride of Indian culture and it enslaved them.
3) Education in English crippled Indians and distanced them from their own surroundings.
4)  English education gave theoretical knowledge rather than practical experience to Indians

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  • Negative impacts -
  • Indian textile industry got ruined
  • The farmers were harrassed due to indigo commision.
  • The wealth of India was drained by the british,
  • The raw materials were taken by Indians at a verry low price.
  • India was made a importer of finished British goods.
  • High Taxes levied by the British increased poverty.
  • Almost all classes were annoyed by the atrocities committed by British.
  • Indians were trained as sepoys and were made to fought in their owm army ..
  • The sepoys were used for fighting in World Wars.
  • The Nawab was evicted.
  • Positive impacts -
  • Railway system was introduced in 1853 by British.
  • Education system was introduced by British.
  • Postal system and Telegraph and other means of communication were introduced by them.
  • Due to their influence Indians began learning in English which is verry important international language to communicate with other countries,
  • The people in India got united to fight against them.
  • India became democratic .
  • Women got their equal imporrtance as men bcoz Sati was banned and widow remmariage was encouraged.
  • Hook swinging festivals....etc. were considered barbaric and thus was banned
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