what were varnas ?
why did people oppose the system of varnas ?

Dear Student,

a. ​ It was the  Caste  system that was considered a basis of social order,that divided the society into four groups the Brahmins, the kshtriyas, vaishyas and shudras who were considered to be the outcaste. These divisions were based on the nature of work they performed 
 b. Shudras   were considered to be born in the lowest rung of the   varna   system whose task was defined to be that of   labourers   and serving the higher castes,  which determined the social order and caste hierarchy. It was believed since they were not   dvija   or twice born and sought to pollute the   varna   system they were prohibited from reading or even hearing of  vedas
​c.  Caste as the basis of social order created worst kind of division in the society 
d. Lower caste became target of the attitude of the upper caste, with  incidents of violence against them, banning their entry into Brahminical dominant temples. 
e. One of the  most important movements  against caste system in colonial time was led by B.R  Ambedkar   who started temple entry movement in 1927 to fight against the caste prejudices.

People opposed varna system:
  • Varna system brought about inequality in society
  • It brought about discrimination  and exploitation of the lower caste
  • It led to untouchability

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