What will be the density of lead under a pressure of 2 x 108Nm-2?Given ,normal density of lead =11.4gcm-3 and bulk modulus of lead =8.0 x 109 Nm-2 ? Please reply soon !!!!!!!!!!!!

Here, Δp= 2 x 108 N/m2
  B= 8 X 109 N/m2
or ΔV= VΔpB= V X 2 X 1088 X 109= V40
Therefore, V'= V- ΔV= V- V40= 39 V 40
Let ρ' be the new density of lead, under the effect of pressure applied. As mass of the lead will remain the same, so Vρ= V' ρ'
or ρ'= VρV'=V X 11.439V/40= 11.7 g/cm2

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