what will  we use to complete the following sentence:-

Brer Rabbit ---------- (decided/had decided)gardening was too much hard work. 

Give reasons for your answer?

Dear Student,
In this given statement the correct grammar form shall be ‘had decided’ because after the proper name or title, which is ‘Brer Rabbit’ it is correct to use the tense had, it also emphasises that he takes the gardening work too much hard for him. On the contrary using only ‘decided’ does not satisfy the pressure that he meant to emphasise on how it is hard for him to handle, it only tells about decision and not the reason.

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had decided is the correct answer.

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had decided is the answer as we have to fill the past perfect.

and it makes sense

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what did he do when the plants grew?

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 had decided, as here past perfect tence is required

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had decided is the correct because we have to use past perfect here . BEST OF LUCK  for exams

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 had decided is correct because here is past perfect

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 had decided

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this is from wb &ans is had decided

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had decided . because it is in past perfect tence 

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decided.because it is a third person.

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even i am stuck  at this can u plz upload the whole exercise :)

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It should be decided it is only correct answer...in this question...

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had decided

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had decided

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