what would be the advantages and disadvantages of such a world where thereare no rules[150 words]

There are hundreds of advantages and disadvantages to such a world where there would be no rules. Few of them are mentioned here:


  • Would help a talented individual to progress without conventional boundaries to stop him like admission procedure, reservation, finance, etc.

  • Love and brotherhood might increase as distinction between classes might come to an end.


  • No rules would mean no limit or boundary. This would automatically lead to chaos in the society.

  • There would be absolutely no parameter or model to decide upon the distinction between good and bad. That would lead to increase in crime.

  • People weigh the pros and cons of their decisions and if the pros outweigh the cons, then they act on their decision. If there weren't any cons to consider, people would act on whatever thought they had without foreseeing the repercussions, because frankly, there would be none.

  • 4

there your head will explode.and   you will die

  • 1


  • -1
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